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NC State Broadband Infrastructure Office - GREAT grant
The State Broadband Infrastructure Office of North Carolina is providing grants to private providers of broadband services to facilitate the deployment of broadband service to unserved areas of the State. This grant program funds eligible projects in economically distressed Tier One counties. Open Broadband, LLC is one of the three companies contending for this grant. Open Broadband, LLC can provide better connection and faster internet speeds (25-50 mbps) for Town of Hookerton residents. Their service also includes lower rates with month-to-month billing, which means NO CONTRACT. We urge you to familiarize yourself with the GREAT grant and it's benefits.
The Town of Hookerton is working with Greene County and Open Broadband, LLC to bring this service to Town of Hookerton residents, as well as Four-Way, Maury, Ormondsville, Scuffleton, Hugo and Cutter Creek.
Details and a list of applicants for the grant are provided on the NCDIT webpage.
Please support awarding the grant to Open Broadband, LLC by submitting your name and public comment on the NCDIT GREAT grant application website. The deadline for public input is March 17, 2019. The link to the website is provided below.
You may also access the comment form through the Town of Hookerton website. Click on the "Help our Community" heading, and then click on the GREAT Grant subheading. You will then be redirected to the NCDIT page. You will then click on the BLUE BOX titled 'Everyone Else'. The form will load, and you will be able to fill in your information. In the 'Applicant Related to Your Comment' box, please enter Open Broadband, LLC.
*** If you need assistance accessing the webpage, or navigating this site, please call or come into the Town Office. Our staff will be happy to assist you.